Other UX highlights
This section showcases a selection of diverse UX challenges.
These examples are here to highlight different areas of a product and solutions, offering a broader view of the projects I’ve worked on.
"Trace" Podcast Creator Project
Context and Pain points
A radio station (let's call them Traceium for confidentiality) noticed that a younger audience was increasingly drawn to podcasts and video streaming. To adapt to this shift, they brought us in to analyze these trends and propose a project that would position them competitively in the digital landscape.
The process
We conducted surveys and interviewed internal analysts to understand how people entertained themselves during work hours and other activities like exercising or commuting. Our research revealed that podcasts and video streaming were the preferred ways to engage with audio content.
Aligning business goals with our research, we proposed a service where Traceium could collaborate with podcasters and YouTubers to create curated content. In some versions of the app wireframes, we also explored allowing the general public to contribute content, which would be curated by editors to ensure freshness and alignment with trending topics among the target audience.
Traceium built a lighter version of this app to continue growing and testing for iterations. This new version focused on fresher topics and engaging content, incorporating features like personalized recommendations based on user preferences. These updates helped them attract and engage a new audience segment that was more interested in less conservative content.
Examples of screens of the Trace project. Click to expand.
Deeper insights level after discovering similar pains from customers
Context and Pain points
This project began when several accounts within a B2B company raised concerns during customer success meetings. They expressed the need for a deeper level of insights, as the existing dashboards provided data that was difficult to track and measure. Customers sought more actionable information to better understand their performance and the trends after actions where taken without the high cost of manual tracking.
The process
After discussing the issue with all the accounts facing the same problem, and understanding the behaviour through session monitoring, we prioritized those that were easiest to experiment with and would have direct impact on their commonly used reports. We developed alternative solutions and adjusted wireframes and interactions based on customer feedback to ensure the final design met their needs.
We developed three new visualizations based on the most critical metrics. These charts provided deeper insights into related issues, and the inclusion of a histogram helped users assess whether the issue was still a trend. This allowed them to determine if they needed to invest in solutions or if the issue had been resolved.
Thanks to this combination of charts, our customers were able to cross-reference common issues with those requiring urgent attention due to SLAs. This improved the value they found in our product, allowing them to mitigate risks and stay ahead of critical problems.
New charts added after working with customers. Click to expand.
Cadena SER app with access to news sections
Context and Pain points
Users expressed frustration over the lack of content variety in the mobile app, as it primarily focused on radio streaming and the responsive website wasn’t yet available to read the news and other content that was very demanded.
The process
We analyzed engagement metrics from different areas of the desktop website and explored whether they made sense in the app’s context matching them with user actions, such as consulting information about a specific radio program or linking related articles when a relevant topic was discussed.
We introduced new access points for features similar to Read Mode and Car Mode directly on the landing page, enhancing usability for different contexts. Additionally, we designed a seamless way to ingest and display news, quizzes, and other reading-friendly content for at-home entertainment— all without requiring a separate responsive site.
By making smaller adjustments to the app, we avoided the costly need to redesign the website's content editor to support various content sizes and formats. Instead, the app seamlessly displayed and browsed the existing web content using simpler templates and a direct database connection.
Some screens of my work at this redesign. Click to expand.