Hi! 👋 I’m Elisa,

a designer with over a decade of experience building digital products -websites and apps- specialized in Technology.

Currently, I work in automation, analytics and AI-related products.

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  • My work involves a combination of User Experience, Behavioral Economics research and Product Discovery.

  • My background blends creativity from a Fine Arts degree, technical knowledge from app development studies, and Human-centered research as I studied UX design and Behavioral Science.

  • This helps me to bridge the gap between people and technical solutions to improve products while making human’s work easier.


These are the areas where I have the most experience:

Automation products

Product discovery

Data-driven products

Analytics & Data visualization

Marketing projects


What my workflow looks like

Articles and collaborations

Human-Centered Design in an AI Era

An analysis of the importance of focusing on humans while building AI products.

Read the article